Saturday, 16 June 2007

My First Post

I just read an article (The Total Perspective Vortex) about the relation between realistic self-perception and mental disorders, and thought that I have to store a pointer to the ideas presented so I can refer to them later.

But what would be the best place for that pointer... a blog. Of course!!

So this is my first entry of my first and only blog. And it's purpose is to be a reminder of the idea that it's typical human behaviour to:
  • view oneself in unrealistically positive terms
  • believe to have more control over ones environment than one actually does; and
  • hold views about the future that are more positive than the evidence can justify.
Being able to deny realism in relation to oneself helps people remain sane.


The name of the blog is inspired by the article.
Maybe there will be more posts.

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